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How to Help Kids Understand the Meaning of the Cross

Here is a Good Friday Bible activity and devotional that gives you the language and imagery to help even the smallest child grasp what Jesus did for them on the cross.

Helping children understand the crucifixion can be a difficult thing – many parents wonder how to talk to their kids about Good Friday. How do we explain to our children how another person’s death translates into eternal life for them? Here’s a Good Friday Bible activity for the whole family. This activity would make a great Good Friday family devotional or even a Sunday School lesson (here’s a free printable to use during the activity).

Supplies needed:

  • Several sheets of black construction paper
  • White crayons or white colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • A large fleece jacket or robe
  • A Bible

Bible activity

1) Discuss what sin is

Read the crucifixion story from John 19. (If you have highly sensitive children, children with a trauma history or very young children, consider an account of the crucifixion story from a young children’s picture Bible.) Then read 1 Peter 2:24 and 1 John 2:2. After you read the passages, ask your children the following questions:

  • Why did men put Jesus to death on the cross? (He claimed to be God)
  • Why did God let Jesus die on the cross? (To put a final end to sin and death)
  • What is sin? (Anything contrary to the will of God)
  • Are some sins “bigger” than others? (No)
  • How serious is sin to God? (Very serious. It requires death to be ‘paid for’.)
  • Is it possible for us to not sin? (No)
  • Can a perfect God fill His heaven with imperfect, sinful people? (No) Why or why not? (Because light and darkness can never exist together. Light always extinguishes darkness. God is light. Sin is darkness.)
  • What are some of your sins?

This last question will bring you to your next step in this family activity.

2) Activity

Take the pieces of black construction paper and cut irregular, jagged pieces about the size of an index card. Have each family member prayerfully ask God to bring to mind any sins they may have committed and write them with a white crayon or pencil on the black paper. If you have any pre-writers, work on this part of the activity together. If you find that some of your children are reluctant to write down any of their sins, read James 5:16. Explain that confession of sin is the first step toward forgiveness. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Everyone, that is, but Jesus.

Next, decide which parent will wear the fleece jacket or robe and stand with arms outstretched. Explain to your children that when Jesus died, He took every one of our sins onto Himself and was punished for them so that we never have to be. Then have each child take a piece of tape, roll it up and stick it to the back of their “sin cards.” Instruct your children to place the cards on the robe, one at a time. As your children place each one, say to them: “Jesus took that sin.” “Jesus paid for that one too.”

3) Reflect and discuss

When all the sins have been attached, take off the jacket, turn it inside out. Then take a moment to reflect on what Christ has done. You can ask your children these questions:

  • Why does Jesus take our sins from us? (He loves us)
  • How do we give our sins to Jesus? (We confess them and ask Him for forgiveness)
  • What does He do with our sins? (He takes them away forever – as far as the east is from the west. They have already been paid for.)
  • Will Jesus take sins we are not ready to confess? (No)
  • Is there any sin too big for Him to handle? (No)
  • How do you feel about what Jesus has done for you?

The love that Jesus showed for us on the cross makes no sense. We sin. He gets punished. He suffers. We get saved. That is some crazy kind of love. Let’s do all we can this Easter season and help our children “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18). [Don’t forget your free printable for this activity!]

More Easter Resources:

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment from a qualified mental health professional. Cornerstones for Parents is not liable for any advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations the reader chooses to implement.

Anxiety workbook for kids

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About Laura

Laura Kuehn, LCSW

Laura is a licensed clinical social worker who offers individual therapy to women and moms in Connecticut. She is the author of More Than a Conqueror, A Christian Kid's Guide to Winning the War on Worry. Cornerstones for Parents is the place she combines some of the things she is most passionate about: God's word, parenting and mental health.


  • Thanks so much for this activity, Laura!
    I shared this article on my blog in a recent series on teaching kids theology.
    I’ve been scanning through your site, and there are so many great resources here. Will definitely be sending people here in the future 🙂

  • The page that I click on for resources says they are not available anymore. “You can find two very simplified versions here and here.)”

    • Hi Brenda – Thank you for letting me know about those incomplete links. It seems that the website has reorganized their pages and eliminated some. I do not feel that the replacements stories are the most appropirate choice for young or sensitive children. I will remove that line from the article. If I find better replacements, I will add them.

      Thanks again. Have a great Resurrection celebration!


      This one seems like a good alternative (as always, read through it yourself to determine its appropriateness for your family):

  • I taught this to a group of 6 year olds in my RE class and it was such a lovely hands on way of getting them to understand the significance of the cross and what it represents.
    Thank you so much for a lovely idea!

    • Hi Sarah – Thank you for taking the time to come back and share. I am so thankful that the lesson was a blessing to your class. Praying that those little ones will see the cross a little bit different this Easter season.

      God bless!

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