Category - Solutions for misbehavior

Discover ways to train your children and address common misbehaviors from a biblical, restoration perspective.

Selfish Behavior in Children

Interrupting . . . running through the house . . . leaving dirty towels on the floor . . . these are all common childhood behaviors. And what they have in common is a focus on self. Here we will learn about selfish behaviors and how parents can address them.

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Using Role Play to Train Children

Training our children in what we would like them to do is as important as disciplining them for what we don't want them to do. Using role play is a wonderful tool parents can use to help a child gain mastery of an under-developed behavior or skill.

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Solutions for Your Kid’s Messy Room

Is there a "mess-maker" in your house? If so, you are not alone. Here are some practical tips on how you can guide your child to a neater room and help him keep it that way. We will also consider personal temperament as an important factor in this issue.

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What You Can do About Tattling

Not all tattles are created equal! Knowing what your child is after when he or she tattles will help you intervene effectively. Here we will go through some of the most common tattles and what you can do or say in response.

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